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Support: support programs
Free Support:
You can access free support through our websites. Check our general FAQ's on our main site, or use our dedicated developers site at developer.webplus.com to access more product specific FAQ's, Forums and Tutorials. For installation support you can send e-mail to Technical Support, most replies are answered within 24 hours.

Fee-Based Support:
We have packaged our premiere -level support programs, into incident packs for more convenience and cost effectiveness.

Support Pack Pricing
1 Incident Pack $75
5 Incident Pack $325
10 Incident Pack $450
Annual Support* $1,495
Custom Support** contact sales

all prices are in US Dollars.

* Annual Support Pack:
Unlimited support and one free Web+ single server product upgrade

** Custom Support Pack:
Please contact Consulting Services for information at: Sales

You can also purchase our "Support-on-Demand" option, at a rate of $75 per incident. An incident is defined as: a support call for a specific problem or question and may involve several contacts with support over an extended amount period of time, depending on the nature of the problem.

Annual Support is also available. For more information please contact: Sales.
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